“Just as the Stamp Act did in 1765, Obamacare should act as a wake-up call.”

Proclaimed Rand Paul about the encroachment on freedom that is the Affordable Care Act. Yesterday, we saw how ObamaCare is making health insurance premiums rise in every state.

“But wait a second, Mr. Nestegg guy! The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare as a good thing we all need, right?” Well, no. So what really happened in DC that’s making so many Americans like Rand Paul furious? This article from the National Review explains, “The Court did not ‘uphold Obamacare.’ Two specific provisions were being challenged before the Court — the individual mandate and the Medicaid expansion. If either had been struck, then the Court could have decided whether or not to take down the whole law. Instead, it reached a very narrow decision. The individual mandate is valid as a tax, says the Court. Now, otherwise free citizens will be required to spend our own personal, after-tax money to purchase an expensive private product — $20,000 a year for an average family — or pay a tax.  And the Court said the federal government can tell states to dramatically expand their Medicaid programs but that they can’t be coerced with the threat of losing all of their federal Medicaid money if they refuse.”

Oops! Maybe we shouldn’t have trusted Nancy Pelosi’s genius remark about the Obamacare bill, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” Okay, show of hands. Who read all 2,700 pages of the Affordable Care Act? What, nobody? Oh. Not even Barack’s hand? Any surprise there?

By now, we know Obamacare is a bad deal. “The Kaiser Family Foundation says the average price of a family policy has risen by $2,200 during the Obama administration. The president promised premiums would be $2,500 lower by this year. Hospitals, doctors, businesses, and consumers all expect their taxes and health costs to rise under Obamacare.” Read more here.

What’s a family to do? We asked ourselves the same question back in 2010, and we’re ready to help. Check out our services or call us to learn more about how we can protect your family from the coming scourge of Obamacare.