Are emotions destroying your savings?

Facts. Figures. Statistics. Projections. Graphs. Charts.

The world of investing seems to many outsiders like a highly complex industry full of calculations and formulas. But the truth is, everything that happens in the market is based on one thing…


Plain, simple emotion. Just take a look at this chart below. See what happens to a fellow’s investments in an emotion-driven market.

emotSo, what’s a savvy nestegg-builder to do? Dump lump sums into a mutual fund with a low interest rate in hopes that it’s a safe bet?

Nope, that’s not how you build wealth. Fortunately, there are those who understand what we call the Power of Zero. Want to learn more about this smart investing secret? Check out our article A New Kind of Nestegg. All you have to lose is worry!

If you had a crystal ball showing the stock market’s future, what would you do?

This may sound like a silly question, but it is grounded in cold hard facts. And it is these facts that may very well lead to the decimation of your nestegg. How, you ask? Check out this chart below.

Picture1So, what are you seeing here? The red line is the trajectory of the market leading up to the Great Depression. The blue line is the current market trajectory.


This does not bode well for investors, savers, or, heck, anyone with a job! It’s obvious we can’t rely on Uncle Sam to build our retirement plans for us, and 401(k)’s and pensions are most definitely not what they used to be. Even if the current market trajectory doesn’t exactly mirror what occurred in 1928 and 1929, why play the savings not to lose?

We’ve said this many times before on this blog, so we’ll say it again: investing in the stock market, even if it’s in “safe” mutual funds, is just like gambling with your retirement savings in Las Vegas casinos. There’s little difference.

So what’s the solution? The Power of Zero. Check back on this blog this coming Wednesday morning at 8:00 am EST, and we’ll tell you how to protect your nestegg for good!


Confidence in the Stock Market Leads to Apathy which Leads to…

All the signs are appearing. The market is doing well. Investors are happy. We’ve recovered fully from the 2008 crash, for the most part. Right? Well, take a look at this chart.

Picture1So, what exactly are we seeing here? This chart measures the “fear index.” The lower the volatility, the more confidence investors have in the stock market’s strength. And overconfidence causes apathy. I don’t have to tell you what apathy brings. So what’s the smart saver to do?

We recommend these four principles of wise investing from financial expert Clark Howard

  1. Check your portfolio. When is last time you actually looked at your holdings? The first thing to do is a checkup. Figure out if your asset allocation makes sense for you. For many people, what makes the most sense is a target retirement fund. You select the year closest to when you want to retire and simply put all your money into it. Then the fund manager adjusts the risk level over your working years.
  2. Know your retirement horizon. If you have 20 or 30 working years ahead of you, don’t worry about what’s going on today. Just keep dollar cost averaging. Do not allow news of today to take your off the target you are trying to achieve, which is long term financial security.
  3. Don’t put money in employer stock. When you take your 401(k) money and put it in employer stock, it’s like putting all your eggs in one basket. You’re getting your paycheck from your employer and you’re hoping to build up a healthy retirement on your employer’s back. Doing it that way ignores that companies have a lifecycle just like people. They do well for a period and then they may lose their way over time.
  4. Investing should be dull so you get to live an exciting life. A lot of people think investing should be exciting because they live dull lives. I say exactly the opposite. That’s how you survive if a stock market crash comes.

Worried about your current retirement plan? Concerned you may outlive your nestegg? You’re in luck! Head on over to to accept your FREE Nestegg Health Analysis!

Most People’s Nesteggs Are Like Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Picture2“That’s a pretty rough analogy there, mister.” Some reading today’s blog post might say. “I don’t see how a person’s investment portfolio is anything like a lost airplane.”

So, why are most people’s nesteggs like Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

It’s gone, we have no idea what happened to it, and the effects of the disaster are paralyzing us from doing anything about it.

While search and rescue teams scour the Pacific Ocean for remains of that unlucky airplane, what can be done about your savings? The 2000-2001 and 2008 crashes have put some cracks in that nestegg of yours, alright. Maybe you’ve found a way to piece it back together. But what if you could see the next crisis before it comes? Better yet, what if you could protect your investments from a volatile market, keeping all the gains but never experiencing any losses? And what if you could do all of this on “autopilot”?

Okay, bad pun. Too soon. But the point is, the next catastrophe could strike our portfolios at any moment. Is your nestegg protected? If you are not 100% confident in the security of your savings, then it’s time to schedule your free Nestegg Health Analysis. Fill out this quick and easy form to put your nestegg on the flight plan to safety.


Experts Predict the Next Crash Could Be Upon Us. Is Your Nestegg Safe?

YOUR NESTEGG – Market Instability – Slimming Pension – Hidden Taxes = HELP!

Picture1Concerned about outliving your 401(k)?  Does market volatility increase your blood pressure? Worried about rising taxes and hidden fees taking a bite out of your already fragile nestegg?

Millions of Americans are realizing that traditional retirement plans aren’t working out the way they thought. Retirement dreams have been sold for years just aren’t coming true, in many cases by a long way. Most people don’t even realize they have better options.

But The Nestegg Repairman is hear to help. We help folks like you create personalized and private retirement plans that meet all of your goals. We help you take control of your financial future to eliminate your risk of market losses, generate above-average rates of return, legally avoid taxes and other penalties, and above all keep the principal safe.

Head on over to to schedule your FREE Nestegg Health Analysis today! Peace of mind is just a click away.

Russia Rising, Markets Falling

Picture1The Russian Bear is on the move.

And our stock market slogs on.

We’ve talked about the volatility of the markets in the past on this blog, but now the rubber hits the road, folks. Fears of a new Cold War are sweeping across the United States thanks to Vladimir Putin’s advances into a turbulent Ukraine. The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ were down double digits over the weekend, and the DJIA tumbled into triple digit losses. Ouch.

So, what to do when the shenanigans of a dictator on the other side of the world cause you to lose money? We can’t control where the Russian army goes, but you CAN control where your money stays.

That’s what the world’s best-kept secret of safe investing is for. Click here to learn how to never lose money again. And remember, by callin’ up our man Chuck Fox, you will be able to schedule your complimentary Nestegg Health Analysis.

Obamacare: Is It Too Late?

The first of this year has become a distant memory. Obamacare has become reality for the United States. So how are we the people faring?

According to the statistics, not too well. Only four million folks have signed up for Obamacare since the health insurance exchanges went live back on October. That’s three million short of the projected number. The losses of jobs thank to Obamacare will most likely reach two and a half million in the next ten years. Ouch, Barack.

For those still struggling with the whole health insurance battle, what hope is left? March 31st is the deadline for people to sign up for an insurance plan without being in violation of the mandate.

There is much hope, in fact. The Nestegg Repairman has already helped liberty-loving Americans find freedom from the scourge of Obamacare through customized individual budget-friendly health insurance plans from private insurers. If you are in the boat of those needing quality coverage to avoid Uncle Sam’s scourge, please contact us for your free analysis. There is much money for you to save, and we can help you save it.

Stocks Rise, Stocks Fall, Keep Your Money Safe From It All!

Picture1Investing in the stock market is on par with gambling, even for those who are educated and financially savvy. Why? Because of the number one rule of investing–the stock market is based on human emotion, not economic facts.

If that doesn’t terrify even the most experienced of stockholders, I don’t know what could. Fortunately, there is a way that leads a man, woman, or child to safety–indexing.

What is indexing? Well, imagine you could hit up a casino (there are a few new ones in the heartland of Ohio), throw as much cash as you want for your luck, and never lose any money. But what if you could also keep the majority of your winnings! Are those odds you would take?

If you’re reading this, then I’m sure your answer is a resounding, “YES!!!” So, how does someone start indexing to protect their nestegg and avoid market volatility? Your FREE Nestegg Health Analysis is a start.

Click here to educate yourself on the power of indexing. You have nothing to gain but money and nothing to lose but worry.

We Do the Work So You Don’t Have to Worry


Start Saving Young, And You’ll Reap The Rewards!

“Chuck and Jeff at The Nestegg Repairman are not only two of the most knowledgeable gentlemen in the financial planning industry I’ve ever met, they are the most helpful as well. I highly recommend The Nestegg Repairman to  families looking for greater financial security in a season of global economic instability,” wrote one of our beloved clients. What’s all this fuss about, you wonder?

Are YOU ready for a retirement miracle? Ready to secure your future prosperity through 100% risk-free options that never lose money? The Nestegg Repairman has two game plans in place to make that happen.

For folks looking to salvage investment portfolios that took a hit in the recent financial crisis and get the ball of compound interest rolling again in today’s low-interest environment, we present the Fixed Index Annuity. Through an S&P 500 Index or other index account, we can turn your lump-sum investment into a golden egg to live off of in your retirement years. For new investors wanting to start saving the right way and avoid common pitfalls, we present Indexed Universal Life Insurance. With a customized life insurance policy travelling in the vehicle of an S&P 500 Index account, you can stock a few dollars away at a time and see your investment grow, grow, grow—without ever experiencing a loss. Then in retirement, you will have a tax-free income stream! The Nestegg Repairman also provides 401(k) planning and services for alternate ways to save money.

Growing your nestegg can’t wait until tomorrow! Request your free, personalized nestegg health analysis. They’re totally risk-free, and we keep everything private. Schedule yours with us today!

Visit Our New Website–And Learn the World’s Best-Kept Secret of Risk-Free Investing!

This weekend debuted our glorious new website! Here’s a quick snapshot of our new homepage…

Ta-da! And now, learn about the world’s best-kept secret of risk-free investing. We call it, “A New Kind of Nestegg.” Basically, we do the work so you don’t have to worry. Purely put, indexing (click through that link to learn more about it) is a retirement miracle. It’s a brave new world, and we would love to introduce you to it.

To schedule your free personalized nestegg health analysis, go ahead and request an appointment with us today! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.