If you had a crystal ball showing the stock market’s future, what would you do?

This may sound like a silly question, but it is grounded in cold hard facts. And it is these facts that may very well lead to the decimation of your nestegg. How, you ask? Check out this chart below.

Picture1So, what are you seeing here? The red line is the trajectory of the market leading up to the Great Depression. The blue line is the current market trajectory.


This does not bode well for investors, savers, or, heck, anyone with a job! It’s obvious we can’t rely on Uncle Sam to build our retirement plans for us, and 401(k)’s and pensions are most definitely not what they used to be. Even if the current market trajectory doesn’t exactly mirror what occurred in 1928 and 1929, why play the savings not to lose?

We’ve said this many times before on this blog, so we’ll say it again: investing in the stock market, even if it’s in “safe” mutual funds, is just like gambling with your retirement savings in Las Vegas casinos. There’s little difference.

So what’s the solution? The Power of Zero. Check back on this blog this coming Wednesday morning at 8:00 am EST, and we’ll tell you how to protect your nestegg for good!


Can You Trust What’s Going on in Your 401(k) or Roth IRA?

monIn short, no.

But sometimes, yes.

Or even maybe.

Answer this question: are you aware of the stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. that your hard-earned money is going into? Sure, you may trust your stockbroker, investment planner, or financial advisor, but all of the above are still human. And humans are prone to human error.

Think 2001. And 2008. Well-meaning, good-hearted humans made those financial crises occur. See, here’s the thing–retirement portfolios based on regular human maintenance are prone to regular human error. Not a happy picture, but it’s what’s up.

But what if there were an investment option available that didn’t require regular maintenance? What if you could save your money without having to worry about what the market is doing? What if you could have peace of mind, and never again lose it?

Welcome to the world of indexing. Interested? Click here. It pays to educate yourself.